“Life is funny, isn’t it? Just when you think you’ve got it
all figured out, just when you finally begin to plan something, get excited
about it and feel like you know what direction you’re heading in, the paths
change, the signs change, the wind blows the other way, North is suddenly south,
and east is west and you’re … Lost.”
I miss the age when I believed that I would have my shit
together by the time I was the age I am now. I can’t say that I ever had major
future plans when I was in school because that would be far from the truth.
When I was trudging through my teenage years my only concerns would be passing
exams that now seemingly mean nothing and surviving double English without
having a breakdown (all you English A-level people know the struggle). School never really prepares you for real
life. The moment you walk out of school
for the final time and enjoy that one last summer holiday, reality hits and
shit gets real. I was one of the very few that didn’t follow the majority of my
year to university. Almost every morning in form our teacher would be banging
on about UCAS forms and university choices and as it was a waste of my time I often
chose to stay in bed a bit longer and go in just in time for my first lesson.
There was never really anything I was interested in enough to spend the next 3+
years learning about. I had always wanted to get straight into work and earn my
own money. I was never bothered about getting a degree and to this day still
feel the same. However, it has been almost 4 years since I left school and
although I do have 3 years of employment under my belt, I can’t help but feel
that I am back to square one. I have been unemployed for almost a year now and
it is driving me crazy. Recently I was
contacted about a senior supervisor job in a new designer outlet but, due to my
current situation, I couldn’t even bring myself to call them back.
I’m going to be honest, I have found my emotions running
high the last few weeks. One minute I can feel fine and then I feel agitated,
upset and frustrated which hits me off guard. I find myself worrying about the
future. But then I stop and remind
myself that it will all take time to get used to. Re- building your life can be
hard but, it will not happen overnight. My Mum said to me a few weeks ago “If you want
to be sad, be sad. We will ride it out with you. We will be here for you when
you need picking back up as well as when you don’t. Sometimes you just need to cry and then pick
yourself up”. These were the words I needed to hear. I have a busy week ahead and I am just hoping
my body can handle it. Wish me luck x
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